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Doorphone delay dialling PABX extensions
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 Posted: Monday Nov 24th, 2008 01:43 am
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It takes 5 to 6 seconds after the doorphone is pushed for the phones to ring. Visitors get impatient!

(Comfort 2 Ult v 5.121, Comfigurator v2.2.3)

Comfort Tel In is connected as Extension on PABX. No connection on Tel Out.

Extensions on PABX can dial into Comfort, and can talk to doorstation.

Tel no 3 is set to dial 579 (arbitrary group ring to extensions). If I plug in a normal analog phone as extension into PABX instead of comfort, dialling 579 rings the other extensions within 0.5 second.

Pushing the doorbell calls 579, extensions ring about 6 seconds after the doorbell chimes finish.

The Doorbell  Response in Misc Events calls a response containing: "Force DSDialout".

Help tracking this down would be appreciated!

 Posted: Monday Nov 24th, 2008 02:29 am
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When Comfort does a dial out, it waits for a dial tone by default. If it does not hear a dial tone then it will try to dial anyway. I suspect that the PABX does not give a dial tone to Comfort. To disable this waiting for dial tone, go to Modules and Settings and uncheck "Wait for Dial tone" This may speed up the dialing by a few seconds

 Posted: Monday Nov 24th, 2008 02:34 am
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I've tried that already. Wait for Dial Tone & Ignore Line Cut are unticked. If the Ringer module were still attached but unused, could that make a difference?

 Posted: Monday Nov 24th, 2008 03:25 am
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I wouldn't uncheck ignore line cut if the PABX supplies a DC voltage 20v+ to the extensions.  It allows Comfort to detect that the line is connected

Try a Dial Test F3,3 to allow you to listen to the dialing progress and delays on the keypad

I think some delays are necessary even if detect dial tone is disabled to ensure that dialing goes through on most networks

Why not record a reminder message to be played on the door station eg "Please wait for a while, we will attend to you shortly". 
They should be tickled long enough to overcome thier impatience

You can assign the response to the Doorbell under Misc Events > Doorbell
The action
Reminder 1 On Id 0
will play remnder message 1 on all keypads and door stations
Reminder 1 On Id 30
will play the reminder on all door stations only

 Posted: Monday Jun 14th, 2010 04:32 am
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We are now been able to view the behaviour of Comfort on our PABX (Splicecom Maximiser).

Comfort immediately picks up the line, waits about 8 seconds, hangs up, picks up the line again immediately, and dials the extension which then rings within about 2 seconds. It looks as though Comfort is not detecting the dial tone, yet we have no problems with any analogue phones.

We are using firmware v 5.121 on Comfort II Ultra (UCM Type 10, version 5.079) with a DM01 door station interface.

 Posted: Monday Jun 14th, 2010 05:18 am
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It seems like Detect Dial Tone is still checked
Do a full write just to confirm as local settings may be changed by mustake and not reflected in Comfigurator
Can you send the cclx file to so we can check the various settings and flags
Your firmware 5.121 should be upgraded to the latest 5.183 if possible
You do not have the UCM flash version to do this. It is highly recommended to get the  new type UCM  to allow firmware upgrades.

 Posted: Monday Jun 14th, 2010 06:18 am
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The behaviour of Comfort when dialing out if "Wait for dial tone" is checked is wait for a dial tone to be detected for up to 8 seconds, if no dial tone is detected, do a hoook flash which may obtain the dial tone under some circumstances then do the dial out. This is to ensure the best chances of obtainin a dial out in case of an alarm

If Detect Dial tone is not checked then the system dials out after a shorter period of 4 seconds, so it looks like you have Detect Dial tone checked

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