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UCM/Pi Access / Fault?
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 Posted: Monday Jul 6th, 2020 03:31 pm
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The Old Scholar
UCM Pi Users

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Hi. I’m looking for some help please with my UCM/Pi, which was working perfectly until last weekend, but it suddenly stopped responding. I’ve posted this on Slack too, so apologies for those that might be reading this twice.

It started off by me not being able to access the UCM/pi remotely through the usual <ip address>:1080, although I could get into node red via the 1880 port. I tried resetting the UCM via the button on the board and also powering it down for an hour, but with no luck. The IP was showing up on my network and I could ping it successfully, but not access functionality through the web interface.

I then realised the firmware needed to be updated and was still on 7.016, so I updated it to 7.125 (using the programming cable). I didn’t expect that to have resolved the issue, which it didn’t and I still had no access.

Since then I’ve reflashed a new image to the CM3: the process completed, but access remained an issue.

I then tried reflashing the UCM with 7.125 using the cable, which didn’t complete and gave me an error in Comfigurator, indicating the the UCM couldn’t be found. I then also tried self-updating as it is already on 7.125 and realised that when the UCM/Pi is connected to the other UCMs in the usual way, I get a fault flagged on my KP06a giving no bus comms.

I’m now left unsure on what issue(s) I’ve actually got:
1. A fault with my UCM/Eth02 which hasn’t transferred the firmware completely to the UCM/Pi
2. A faulty UCM/Pi board
3. A faulty CM3
4. Something entirely different or a combination of the above 😤.

Unfortunately I have no other UCMs to use to rule out option 1. Other than buying a new Eth03, are there any other routes I could try that you can think of? I’m somewhat of a novice and would appreciate any suggestions you might have.


 Posted: Monday Jul 6th, 2020 04:16 pm
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UCM Pi Users

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Having the same issue, Like you I have left a message on slack and waiting to hear back, I have a neaky feeling that the R-PI has become faulty and that I may have to get anoth R-PI module, As i am not completely upto speed with this stuff I cant offer any assistance but if I do come across a solution I will let you know

 Posted: Tuesday Jul 7th, 2020 04:26 am
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Can you check if the D9 Red and D10 Green leds on the UCM/Pi are blinking? This shpws if the UCM/Pi is communicating with Comfort. If any are not blinking then there is a problem
Did the firmware upgrade complete sucessfully? There should be no error messages.
I would suggest ETH02 should be replaced by ETH03 although it may not be the problem if it upgraded correctly but you may have compatbility issues. Replacing the ETH03 submodule does not cost much but can avoid problems in future

 Posted: Tuesday Jul 7th, 2020 09:26 am
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Red D9 blinking fast D10 blinking slowly I thing the fault is on the R-PI

 Posted: Tuesday Jul 7th, 2020 10:32 am
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Yes, probably

 Posted: Tuesday Jul 7th, 2020 08:30 pm
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The Old Scholar
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For me, no activity on D9, but D10 is blinking. D1 D2 are on solid. D17 blinking.
The firmware upgrade appeared to have completed successfully when I originally flashed it, but I can’t now reflash it.
The Eth03 appears to be >£60GBP. Is there somewhere I can buy it at a reasonable price as you suggest Chiu?
Do I need to replace the UCM/Pi?

 Posted: Wednesday Jul 8th, 2020 03:06 am
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If there is no activity on the red D9, it means the UCM/pi is not replying to any polls from Comfort .
That indicates an ID problem, not even a problem with ETH02
Can you do a Scan for Modules and check if the UCM/Pi appears in the Modules tab?

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