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Pronto 940 and Comfort II
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 Posted: Monday Nov 6th, 2006 02:45 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
Location: Singapore
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I have a Pronto RU940 and have downloaded the 4camCWI.ccf and also the
comfor_keypad. I have also downloaded the rcir.mdb comfort IR

The problem I'm having is that the buttons do not do anything with the
Comfort Ultra II (fs34) that I have, whether from the ccf as loaded or
by adding codes from the rcir.mdb. The codes are being received by
the KP04, but KP04 just beeps without doing anything else. The same
result if I test IR from the pront edit also.

However, If I teach the pronto the specific buttons (e.g. away mode)
from the RC01 directly, subsequent transmission from pronto works

If I can't use the rcir.mdb I have no idea where to look up the 127 IR
codes to teach pronto. Does anyone have a CCF that will work with the
RU940 and Comfort 2?
  Is Pronto 940 using the NG operating system? Prontos new products do not support the old database anymore. Perhaps you need an older OS for it to work.
On our website you will find a file for Pronto 950 Comfort codes. Perhaps that can be used for your Pronto
Alternately  Comfigurators IR library contains Comfort IR codes which you can shoot out of any output and teach the Pronto

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