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 Posted: Wednesday Oct 6th, 2010 01:34 am
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Joined: Sunday Jul 4th, 2010
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Is it possible to connect 2 bellboxes?  If yes is it also possible to set it so that in certain circumstances only one belbox would sound.  For example if the external perimeter zone is breached then the external bellbox will sound.

 Posted: Wednesday Oct 6th, 2010 02:05 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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You can connect 2 bellboxes to the same terminals but they would sound together.
You can also connect a bellbox to the Slave (SEP) SRN outputs if the SEP is installed elsewhere in the property but they would also sound together

You should be  connect a bellbox to an output connected via a relay to make that sound separately by programmming the Alarm Response accordingly
You would need to program to switch on the output in the event of an alarm and switch off the output when the alarm is unset (disarmed)
You can use one of the relays in the RLY01 for this purpose - when the output is on, the 12V should be connected to the bellbox.  However if yours is a monitored system, check with the alarm company if this is allowed.

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