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Timed Bypass of a Roller-shutter/Garage Door
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 Posted: Friday Jun 9th, 2006 01:59 pm
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This application is for situations where you have a garage door or roller shutter which is a 24 hour zone, ie always immediate regardless of whether the security system is armed., but you need to bypass it temporarily to open it. If the user uses the Zone Bypass Menu (F1) in order to open the shutter/door, he may forget to unbypass it later when done with it.

A neat solution is to program a Function Key which bypasses the zone, the uses a timer for say 30 seconds and then unbypasses the zone again This gives 30 seconds for the user to  open the door. It does not matter if the door remains open for longer than 30 seconds, as an open door does not cause an alarm until it is closed and opened again - it is the change to open state which causes the alarm. Hence when the door is closed again, it reverts to 24 hour state

The attached ccl file shows the idea

Zone 1 is a 24 hour NC zone type garage door

Keypad Function 4 activates Response 25 (Bypass Zone for 30 seconds) which uses a Timer for 30 seconds and then calls Unbypass Zone 1

The function Key 4 has Code Needed so that when you press Function 4, a user code must be entered



Attachment: bypass Garage door 30 seocnds.ccl (Downloaded 36 times)

Last edited on Friday Jun 9th, 2006 02:06 pm by slychiu

 Posted: Tuesday Feb 27th, 2007 10:29 pm
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I have a similar case. Please confirm that the setup below is correct:

I have Zone 5 as DoorWindow (immediate during Away) and it is connected to a magnetic switch on the garage door.

While the System is armed (Away Mode) I want to use a response to bypass only this zone at 6:30am.

If I use the Action 75 and set a Time Program to trigger it at 6:30am will work?


 Posted: Wednesday Feb 28th, 2007 01:03 am
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Yes you can use the Bypass Zone Action (75) to bypass the zone, but do you intend to unbypass the zone as well? Just a thought as the zone will be bypassed until the system is disarmed or that zone is unbypassed.

 Posted: Wednesday Feb 28th, 2007 10:06 pm
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No I am not interested in unbypass the zone. The real life scenario will be as follows:

1) at 8:00pm the system is armed at Away mode by Comfort's user
2) at 6:30am the time program will bypass the specific zone so that a worker can open the roller shutter and enter into the warehouse area. The system will still be armed so all other areas will be protected. This worker will not have a password since we don't want to access the system at all.
3) at 9:00am the office opens and Comfort's user will disarm the security system as normal.

I understand that the disarm will automatically unbypass the zone so at night when the system is armed again the zone will be protected until 6:30am. Please confirm.

 Posted: Thursday Mar 1st, 2007 12:14 am
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Yes, like I mentioned earlier, the zone will be unbypassed upon disarming. Your configuration should work.

 Posted: Saturday Feb 16th, 2008 11:05 am
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Now a silly question about using Bypass

We have a site with 3 automated garage doors. Roller door contacts on the floor and PIRs in the garage. When the cleint opens the door with a remote key the opener signals comfort to bypass PIR and contacts before opening the door. At the moment a timer is used to clear the bypass.

However I'd like the door contact to unbypass itself as the door closes fully. Ie only bypass the on response side of it. This means the garage would be protected as soon as the doors are shut and not after the timer expires.


 Posted: Sunday Feb 17th, 2008 07:53 am
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Once you bypass a zone, it is completely ignored by Comfort, either on opening or closing, so it cannot unbypass itself when it closes

It is a different situation with Force Arming; there, when you force arm with a zone open, the zone is ignored or shunted to allow the system to arm, and when the zone closes, it is made active again

In your case, what you can do is to unbypass the door once it is open maybe using a short timer, you do not have to wait for it to close. When it does close, it is back to normal

 Posted: Sunday Feb 17th, 2008 03:05 pm
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I had a similar problem and used "Skip Alarm" instead of Bypass.

In the PIR response, you could check the status of the door sensors, and use Skip Alarm to prevent the alarm being triggered. This works well, but one negative is that every trigger of the PIR will be logged, thus filling up your log quite quickly. In your case, you probably wouldn't get too many triggers, but in my application I can get hundreds of triggers while the PIR is set to Skip Alarm, so my log becomes rather useless!

I would very much like to see this action changed or a new one added, without the huge amount of logging that could result. In my humble opinion, being a "home automation" system, Comfort should be able to continue to monitor an input for automation functions even when it is bypassed.

 Posted: Sunday Feb 17th, 2008 03:30 pm
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In my humble opinion, being a "home automation" system, Comfort should be able to continue to monitor an input for automation functions even when it is bypassed.
That may solve one problem but may create others.
There may be more situations where you do not want bypassed zones to activate responses

The solution to bypass the zone should work better for you and would certainly remove those events from your event log, leaving only the Bypass and Unbypass zone event in the log

Last edited on Sunday Feb 17th, 2008 04:00 pm by admin

 Posted: Monday Feb 18th, 2008 09:53 pm
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Got my answer (thanks Chui).

You can bypass a sensor and that effectivley removes it from the system. What I needed was for the bypassed door contact to unbypass the rest of the garage on closure.

After bypassing the door contacts etc. the door contact can be reenabled (unbypassed). This will not cause an alarm as comfort is event driven and will not have seen the contact open. However because it is now unbypassed it will see the door contact close and hence will run the "zone off response".

Tested on the bench, time to implement

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