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Comfort Automation/ Security System Forums > Support > Comfort Installation and Programming Guide > Responses and Actions > ZWAVE or Do Response - First line - not executed from AWAY or NIGHT modes

ZWAVE or Do Response - First line - not executed from AWAY or NIGHT modes
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 Posted: Thursday Jul 28th, 2016 02:43 pm
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Joined: Monday Aug 17th, 2009
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Not sure where the issues resides but let me describe the problem first.
When I have a Response coded as

e.g TESTEXAMPLE response coded as
Do Response1
Do Response2
Do Response3
Do Response4

Then Response1 is not executed when TESTEXAMPLE is called from the AWAY or NIGHT response, or from timer or polling connected response.

Response2, Response3 and Response4 always get executed, but Response1 does not in these circumstances.

However, when TESTEXAMPLE is called manually it always works. That  is Response1, Response2, Response3, Response4 all are executed. It just seems to be first line.
I have attached my cclx file for Analysis.

Please note I read Comfort to compare against my CCLX file to ensure what was in Comfort and in CCLX file match and they do.
In my CCLX file  I have the following examples.
Example 1 when a Response is called by the AWAY or NIGHT Mode Response.

DownStairsLtsOff - then Do Room1LightsOff - is not executed ( that is all lights remain on), but the subsequent Do Room2LightsOff, Do Room3LightsOff, Do Room4LightsOff all lights are always switched off and are executed. DownStairsLtsOff is called by SetOffHouse that is attached to the AWAY and NIGHT RESPONSE.
When DownStairsLtsOff or Room1LightsOff are called manually all the lights in Room1LightsOff are switched off. The other DOs in DownStairsLtsOff are all executed successfully as well when manually called Via DownStairsLtsOff.

Example 2 when a Response called by timer and a attached polling Response
DownstairsRadsOff - then  Do Room1HeatFrost does get not executed or completes successfully, but Do Room2HeatFrost, Do Room3HeatFrost  and Do Room3HeatFrost do complete successfully. DownstairsRadsOff is called by DownstairsHeat that is attatched to polling response.

If I call  "DownstairsRadsOff  or Room1HeatFrost manually then they work fine. Its only when called via Polling Response DownstairsHeat or the AWAY or NIGHT Response. style
Hope this is clear.

Attachment: (Downloaded 2 times)

Last edited on Thursday Jul 28th, 2016 02:54 pm by MDKKEN

 Posted: Thursday Jul 28th, 2016 04:55 pm
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That is a really complicated program, congratulations for being able to work it out!
I suspect some of the counters are mapped to  Zwave addresses thus causing the mapped devices to  turn on or off

We would not be able to simulate your file exactly as we do not have all the zwave devices etc

Could you run the Bus Monitor under Tools, press Start
Then trigger the Away Mode response, and after the traffic caused by the Response dies down, halt and Save it, and send the file to

Analysing the Bus monitor will help to understand what is happening between Comfort and the Zwave module

 Posted: Thursday Jul 28th, 2016 05:11 pm
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I just found out the ComfortClients ObjectMatrix is also a good tool for looking at  yourcounter and flag changes in real time

 Posted: Monday Aug 1st, 2016 09:18 pm
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Just checking. Did you get my email with Monitor output?

 Posted: Tuesday Aug 2nd, 2016 07:31 am
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Yes we sent you an email yesterday
The bus monitors did not provide any clues

Can you add a delay in SecOffHouse before DoDobStairsLtsOff eg Wait for 2 seconds using Timer X  will insert a  2 sec delay
so that we can see if the zwave is missing out a command because it is too fast or there is a buffer problem

Attachment: delay.jpg (Downloaded 14 times)

Last edited on Tuesday Aug 2nd, 2016 10:19 am by slychiu

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Comfort Automation/ Security System Forums > Support > Comfort Installation and Programming Guide > Responses and Actions > ZWAVE or Do Response - First line - not executed from AWAY or NIGHT modes

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