I've nearly finished commissioning my Comfort system. I have used a Visonic MCR-308 receiver for wireless elements - I used Visonic kit years ago, they're very reliable and great.
Anyway, I have a Comfort panel and a SEP panel but they're not located near to each other and I can't easily run extra cables between them and I only have a few spare wires.
The main wireless receiver is connected to the SEP but I've changed plans and need to add more wireless zones. So, I've got a Visonic MCX-8 expander on order. I need to connect the MCR-308 and MCX-8 to each other with 4 wires (for Visonic's own bus - 0v, 12v and 2 x data lines). I don't have enough spare zones on the SEP so the expander's outputs will have to connect to the main Comfort panel.
My query is... am I okay connecting the Open Collector outputs of the expander direct to Comfort zones when the 12v supply on that expander unit is coming from a different power supply? The MCX-8 is powered by the SEP but it's outputs will be connected to the zones on the main Comfort panel. All units have the same common/0v so I think I'm okay, but can anyone confirm?
The attached diagram should make it really clear.
Attachment: Visonic Expander.JPG (Downloaded 37 times)