View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Friday Oct 7th, 2011 06:25 am
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How to Offset Times for Sunrise and Sunset Response

The sunrise and sunset offset action causes the sunrise or sunset times to be offset by -128 to + 127 minutes from the programmed value. This allows you to, for example, turn on lights 30 minutes before sunset and/or 10 minutes after sunrise

In the above example the sunrise time has been offset by + 30 minutes, which means the Sunrise Response will be activated at Sunrise + 30 minutes

Offset Sunset time is done the same way

You create a Response with the action to offset the sunrise and/or sunset times. Then you need to activate the Response using an event for example in Time programs. This action remains in place until changed again by another sunrise/sunset offset action or until Comfort is reset

Note that this does not change the Night Time Flag which is automatically set between sunrise and sunset. It only changes the activation time of Sunrise or Sunset Responses

Last edited on Wednesday Dec 24th, 2014 10:45 am by slychiu

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