View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Thursday Jul 5th, 2012 06:01 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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Wexfordman, which android OS version are you using?

wexfordman wrote: Hi Slychiu!!

Love it!! Looking forward to getting rid of my iphone soon i hope :-)

Anyway, have it installed on an acer tablet, and realising it is beta, just wanted to raise a few things i've noticed, or perhaps missed :-)

1) Counter values not displaying. I noticed this as I have my temp from scs's and dim level from velbus dimmers set to display, and the android app simply shows these as green/on
2) Security status leds not displaying. The status of the security system is not displaying, ie, the green led/display for off/arm/ac/msg do not light up on the android screen
3) Camera! On my phone app, I have camera working, but for some reason, it is not working on the android app! The format I enter my camera ip address is to ensure username and pwd also are entered, so it is as follows "http://username:pwd@

the above works on my iphone/ipad setup, but the android app says "authorisation required"

4) For empty cameras (ie ones that i have not configured), there is a screan comes up for "calistra", not sure where this came from , but can it be removed ?


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