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 Posted: Sunday Apr 14th, 2013 02:25 pm
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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The fields are as follows;

Comfort System Name
Enter the name of the system or config, eg Home, Office are defaults but can be renamed

Load Config File
This allows you to use a .jrlccip file that is aready in the iPad (eg saved previously)

Internet IP address and Port: This is for accessing your system remotely, ie by Internet

LAN IP address and Port: This is for accessing your system locally, ie by LAN
These fields will be populated from the cclx file (Comfigurator Options > Settings > UCM Connections) for convenience

Select the button for Internet or LAN to connect to your system depending on how you are

Cam1 to Cam4
These are for viewing IP cameras connected to the network

For each camera a Name must be entered and the checkbox to the left must be ticked to enable the camera
Access Using:
There are 2 options: URL and IP Cam Viewer
URL means the IP camera is accessed by Safari using its IP address and port
For URL enter the User ID and password for the IP camera. If not used, leave it blank
Enter IP address and Port for Internet and LAN access

IP Cam Viewer is a 3rd party application to access the IP cameras. If you select this option, going to the cameras page will leave the Comfort app and launch the IP cam viewer app. Management of the IP cameras will be by that app, so the IP address and Port will not be used.
When the fields have been filled in, make sure your Internet/LAN  status is selected correctly and press Done on the top left of the screen

The wifi icon on the top left should show connected if the Internet/LAN button has been selected
correctly and the IP address and Port are correct. If not it may show Data Error.
The config eg Home, Offce selected is shown on the top  right as well as the IP address and port selected.
If “connected” status is shown, press the green button “Enter User Code and Login”

Enter the user code here eg 1234 and press OK
If the code is incorrect, an error message will pop up saying “Invalid Log in - Please Retry”
If the code is correct, the Alarms page will appear as shown below
Note for LOCAL connection (not Remote), there is an option to auto-log in, ie once a corect code has been entered, the code is remembered so there is no need to re-enter the code to log in each time

The autologin feature is disabled when the connection is remote ie Internet for security reasons
The saved login code can be deleted in the Configuration page by pressing “Clear Password”

Note that Comfort UCM/Eth02 is normally configured to auto-log out after 2 minutes of inactivity (data transfer) so the app will be logged out at that time unless you continue to send commands to Comfort

To be continued in the next post

Last edited on Sunday Apr 14th, 2013 02:26 pm by ident

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