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 Posted: Friday Apr 19th, 2013 01:21 pm
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Arming and Disarming the Security System

This can be done from the Alarms page or the Control page

The screenshot below shows the Alarms Page when you touch the security icons;

The screenshot below shows the security buttons on the Control Page

Away arming behaves differently depending on whether you are connected Locally or Remotely.
If connected locally, then you need to EXIT from the house by leaving through the Entry door and closing it. If you do not do that within  the exit time there will be an ARM FAIL alarm. You need to disarm the alarm before attempting to arm again

If you are connected remotely, you do NOT need to exit. If alll zones are closed, the system will arm immediately. If there are zones open the name of the zones are shown in the centre title bar

For local or remote connection you can Force arm the system by bypassing the open zones by pressing the Bypass button shown below

This allows the system to be armed.
When armed the information will be displayed

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