View single post by ident
 Posted: Tuesday Dec 24th, 2013 08:11 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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I have downloaded ClearConnex to try itinary
In Connections, start a new connnection with the IP address and port of the UCM/ETH. For this purpose it does not matter whether you use ETH01 or ETH02
After connection you need to log in by sending the binary character 03 (which is the start of line character) followed by LI1234 assuming 1234 is your user code and return
The trick is in sending binary 03

You can define a Hotkey as I have done
/03 assign to F2 hotkey
Press the F2  key followed by LI1234 and Enter
This logs you in and you will see LU01

Now you can enter the commands in the serial protocol

I?01 means Get Input 1 state
the reply is I?0100 means Input 1 is off
Remember to enter F2 before each line

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