View single post by HenleyBranch
 Posted: Sunday Apr 13th, 2014 03:06 pm
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I have a related symptom to the post below, but probably a different cause, so I have posted separately.
I have a set up with Panasonic DECT phones (single connection) and Comfort. All was working fine, door bell ringing phones via the ringer unit. 
However, a further analogue phone has recently been connected to the system, an old-fashioned rotary dial phone, bakelite with a proper bell as a 'feature' in the living room. It has been reconditioned to work on a 'modern' phone system. For incoming phone calls, it all works fine, DECT phones and this traditional bell phone all ringing normally. 
However, the Comfort door bell no longer rings the phones at all when this old-fashioned phone is connected. Disconnect it and it works fine. Presumably, adding this phone has increased the total REN on the system, or has affected the ability of the RGR05 to generate a ring. The relay clicks inside Comfort as normal - but no ring. Disconnect the offending phone and it works. 
Is there a way of tuning the parameters so that RGR05 delivers the same ring power / profile as the phone line pass through (which works)? Or at least still drive the Panasonic DECT phones? (I have read through the tuning guide but couldn't work out which parameter adjusts the ring - most seem to be related to the intercom itself)

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Last edited on Sunday Apr 13th, 2014 03:19 pm by HenleyBranch

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