View single post by hinis
 Posted: Thursday May 22nd, 2014 12:17 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 7th, 2013
Location: NICOSIA, Cyprus
Posts: 12

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I have a few things to propose for Comfigurator User mode as well as Engineer mode.

1. In Comfigurator version 3.8.7 in both user and engineer mode, the real time updating of the zones/inputs stops most likely because of a bug. I recommend putting something flashing on the screen to show when comfigurator has communication with Comfort. This is particularly useful for remote connections through the internet.

2. I would find it useful if there was a user enabled short tone when any zone/input is triggered or even better for user selected zones.

3. Why should comfigurator show all possible numbers of zones/inputs, outputs and SCS/RIO. I suggest making possible to hide inputs and outputs as well as SCS/RIO inputs and outputs of unconnected hardware and display the connected hardware inputs with their corresponding input/output number. This will avoid mistakes to new users and would make the following possible.

3. Another useful thing would be to exploit the larger screen and have on the same screen Zones/ inputs, outputs and SCS/RIO input/output status so as not having to switch screens.

4. Control over fond size will increase user comfort as each user would be able to customise the view to his needs.

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