View single post by mikeinnc
 Posted: Wednesday Apr 15th, 2015 09:41 am
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Joined: Wednesday Mar 18th, 2015
Location: Perth, Australia
Posts: 71

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Thanks for the prompt reply. It was very strange. I'd suggest there was NO network problem. I could "see" the UCM on my LAN; read from it ; ping it etc. The IP address and port settings had not changed from their previous values - as evidenced by CSM recognising it etc. In that respect, everything looked as normal as it ever does. But those user codes just would NOT work from Comfigurator! But, doing a complete power reset on the box has solved the problem, and I've saved a copy of the config file in the UCM EEPROM to be sure. I might try my "test" again but use a code other than 1234 for the 'test' user and see if the situation replicates. It caused a few panic moments when I couldn't do anything! Oh, and I guess I'd never have seen if the user code was wrong since the UCM never 'saw' it!

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