View single post by Ian Clarke
 Posted: Tuesday May 1st, 2007 04:54 am
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Ian Clarke


Joined: Wednesday May 3rd, 2006
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 60

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This feature can be used to play a message on the phone,  if someone presses the doorbell.   Thus if the user is on the phone, and the door bell is pressed,  the home owner gets to know that someone is at the door,  even if they are out of hearing range from a keypad.

The trick is to, record  a reminder message saying "There is someone at the door", check the "Hear announcements on phone" configuration flags,  and in a response called from the doorbell response do the following.

If phone is off hook


play reminder message on all keypads

end if


This works a treat.  Be aware of the bug in 2.1.2 that messages up the code for all keypads.  Refer to the ACTIONS manual for what the correct paramater for this action code should be.


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