View single post by admin
 Posted: Thursday Feb 11th, 2016 03:55 pm
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Joined: Saturday Mar 3rd, 2007
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We will give you an answer to your main problem tomorrow

You mentiioned you are not able to get SayZoneName working for a zone response between 7 PM to 5 AM

The sayzonename response in your file is;

If Hours >= 19 And Hours < 5 Then
    Say ZoneName
End If

This is actually a common mistake

"Hours" is the hour of day and is a value from 0 to 23

Hence  "Hours >= 19" And "Hours < 5" cannot both be true

eg if it is 10 PM, the Hours value is 22. It is >=19, but it is not < 5

The correct statement is
If Hours >= 19 OR Hours < 5 Then

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