View single post by tech07
 Posted: Sunday Feb 14th, 2016 06:41 am
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Joined: Thursday Jan 29th, 2009
Location: Singapore
Posts: 106

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You have to convert the cclx file to send to your phone when the control menu is changed. If uncertain it is best to do it anyway
The Response wizard does support these actions
Select If  in Add Conditions window, Attribute select Counter 010 (eg) > 0Press OK to exit the condition

You will see If Counter 010 > 0Endif
Insert New actionSelect Counter and Initialise Counter 010=255

save and convert the file to your phone 
Make sure the app is closed at this stage befiore reading the email and tapping the attachment
Try the Light on buttonIf the light turns on check that the toggle state turns to ONThat shows that it is working and you can turn it off
If you still have problem send the new file to

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