View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Monday Jun 20th, 2016 09:14 am
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Main differences between UCM/KNX2 and UCM/KNX

In  UCM/KNX2, 1-bit KNX addresses can  be mapped to Counters, Flags, Sensors, Outputs, Output Pulse, Output Toggle compared to only counters for UCM/KNX1.
  • Counters, Flags, Sensors, Physical Inputs, Outputs can be mapped to different KNX addresses compared to KNX to Comfort thus allowing different KNX control and status addresses. UCM/KNX1 did not allow mapping of these different Comfort registers to KNX. This means that it is no longer necessary to use Responses to send telegrams to KNX, although this is still possible. This makes programming much easier.

Last edited on Monday Jun 20th, 2016 04:16 pm by slychiu

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