View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Saturday Aug 13th, 2016 10:29 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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Some users have encountered a problem after upgrading to ULT 7.110 that some zones were in a different partition (eg3). This could be due to unused settings in the zones
As a result the system becomes partitioned even though the keypads did not support partitoning
ULT 7.112 (Beta) checks  
  • if all keypads are in partition 0
  • If all keypads do not support partitions, ie KP01, KP03, KP04, KP06, or KP04A/KP06A before 7.005 or KT03 before 7.083
Then the zone partitions are ignored, all zones and keypads are in partition 0, and the system is not partitioned

This will prevent systems that are upgraded to 7.112 from inadvertently being partitioned

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