View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Monday Sep 26th, 2016 03:58 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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In the Comfort App, the control menu items can be seen as toggle buttons which reflect their state. Pressing the button will toggle the state ie On to off and Off to On

This applies to Android and iOS app although the iOS screenshots are shown here

In order to be able to get the app to display like this, the Control menu must be programmed as follows

Each Control Key should have feedback assigned

Feedback type may be  Flag,  Counter, Zone, Output, then select the feedback register, eg Counter 1, Flag 2, Zone 60, Output 1

For example Control Group 0 Lights, Control Key 1 is Porch Lights.

The Feedback for Porch Light is Output Porch Light
The feedback allows the app to know if the device is on or off.

In the Control Menu, the words for action key 0 should be "Off" and action key 1 should be "On". DO NOT reverse the keys ie 0 for ON, 1 for OFF as that will cause the wrong status to be shown

Action Key 0 word = off (not "light off")
Action Key 1 word = On (not "light On")

Do not have more than OFF and ON actions in the control menu, otherwise the on/off button icon will not be seen. 
Instead the "View Actions" button is seen.

Pressing the "View Actions"  button reveals the additional Actions which can be selected


See for more detailed instructions to program the Control Menu by Comfigurator

Save the file and send to your phone using File > Convert cclx file for iOS/Android app

Close the app before tapping on the jrlcclx attachment

If you have modified the  cclx file to send to your device but the app shows the old control menu without changes this could be due to the old file being selected in the phone, especially with Android. Delete the old jrlccip file before converting the cclx file to send to the phone

Last edited on Monday Sep 26th, 2016 04:16 pm by slychiu

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