View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Thursday Jan 19th, 2017 06:17 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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The Zone OFF response is activated by a change in State from ON to OFF, It uis not activated if the Zone is always OFF. The presence of a On Response oin the zone is not necessary. You do not need to have a Zone ON Response attached to the zone, but the zone must switch from ON to OFF to trigger the Off Response

If you atre using a PIR for presence detection on a room, then you should ensure that the PIR has sufficient c overage, or add another PIR so all areas are vovered

You can also use a light switch Response to test the PIR zone is on or off by the action
"If Zone N <> 0" but that will only ne meaningful if there is motion at that exact time

You should be able to detect lighting or heating in the room based on Output or input status

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