View single post by mattbrain
 Posted: Saturday Feb 11th, 2017 05:32 pm
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Joined: Tuesday Jun 12th, 2007
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I have discovered an issue with another users installation. If your cclx file AlarmTypes entries do not include SirenTypeName for each line (for example when there is not an siren type being used) the code can't parse the file properly and it causes a crash. I'm going to fix this issue in the next day or so to handle this issue but in the meantime you can work around it.

In Comfigurator, navigate to the Security Types Settings -> Alarm Types

For each entry which has a blank Siren Type Name, change it to any other value and then change it back to empty. This will force a blank entry to be saved. Then save the file and upload it to the UHAI (you don't need to re-programme comfort as nothing is actually changing) and then restart.



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