View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Thursday Feb 23rd, 2017 04:22 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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The events log is in the format
month/Day, HH:MM, Event, parameter
when the vent is an alarm the parameter may be an ID, user or other parameter

02/2305:44 Low Battery # Slave 1  Slave 1 is the ID

02/23 05:45 Dial Number # 1 - #1 is  the parameter ie phone index

The parameter in () is the alarm type where applicable
eg 02/23 11:23 Alarm Type # PowerFail (8)

where the alarm has no parameter eg
02/23 08:04 AC Fail 101 then the parameter shown is random eg 101

The dial out at 5:45  is not caused by the low battery
It is a redial from 5:44
If Comfort calls you and you do not press # to acknowledge or dont sign in, Comfort will redial you in the next round unless the alarm is disarmed

when you acknowedge bby press # the event log records it as "Phone call OK" (I cannot recall exactly what)
or when you sign in it records as "User no N sign in OK"

Repeated dial # 1 means these are redials

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