View single post by caravanboy
 Posted: Tuesday Sep 5th, 2017 03:45 am
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Joined: Wednesday Mar 8th, 2017
Location: United Kingdom
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Ok, thanks. I imagined that may be the outcome.

However, just in case anyone else has a similar requirement in the future... I've come up with a simple(ish) plan:

I will buy a cheap generic Wifi enabled Arduino-style device (e.g. NodeMCU or WeMOS D1) from eBay and set it up to monitor a Comfort Output pin.  When the output is triggered the little microcontroller will then initiate the HTTP call.

I'll need to use appropriate voltage dividers to step-down power supply and ensure the voltage on the Output pin is compatible with their input, etc.

And I'll need to find the time to ever get around to it :)

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