View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Thursday Feb 1st, 2018 03:47 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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We have not done any further development on Velbus for several years, the reaons being;
  • The Velbus protocol is relatively difficult to support as each device has a diferent profile which requires changes in Comfigurator software and firmware in order to handle
  • They have discontinued many modules that we supported and have replaced it with new models which require different profiles so it has been difficult to keep up.
  • Velleman have not been very keen to support 3rd party integraton after our initial cooperation many years ago which was positive
I had a phone call from the UK importer of Velbus about this matter, and he has suggested ways to go forward with Velbus. We are keen to do it, as we had spent much effort on this interface, so we will be looking at it again.

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