View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Wednesday Jan 9th, 2019 02:18 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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This issue arose due to some improvements we have made to Comfigurator.Logic engine and UCM/Logic do not have any Vocabulary or wordlist, ie there are no announcements on keypads. The wordlist in Comfigurator is "Blank"Hence any words can be assigned to the Zones and Control menu, and you do not need to select each word one by one from the wordlist.
The old LGX01 firmware did not work with Control Menu if there are no words in the worldlist selected.The new LGX01 Firmware 7.052 fixes that problemPlease upgrade to the latest firmware by going to Modules > Controller, select the Controler, right click and select "Check for Upgrades"see for instructions

By the way in your contrtol group 0 Lights, Control key 0 - Corridor, you have actions 0 =  Off, 1 = On, 2 = Power
I suggest you have Power in another control key which has its own feedbackThat would also alllow the app see control on and off morer easily without bringing up  "Select Actions Menu"

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