View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Friday Feb 8th, 2019 05:24 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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In the UCM/Zwave3 manual, page 19;
"Zwave 7.072 - Note the counters mapped to Multilevel Switch e.g. Nodes 2,4,5 etc.
above will have values of 0 to 254 corresponding to levels 0 to 99 for Zwave and
vice versa. This conversion allows the Comfort app to use the full scale sliders
from 0 to 255. Setting a counter to 255 will turn on the multilevel switch to the
last remembered value. Note that this does not apply to Binary switches e.g. Node
3 above."so counter update from Cbus will get passed on to Zwave

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