View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Sunday May 19th, 2019 05:30 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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I suspect the issues are due to partitions and user codes that are enabled for each partition

Remember that if you log in to check zone status, your log in code can only see 1 partition, which is the 1st partition that the user is enabled for.

eg if user 1 is enabled for partition 0 then it will not be able to see partition 1,2,3 zones status.

Even if user 6 is enabled for 4 partitions, it can only see the 1st partitions (ie partition 0). To check the other partitions  log in as a user which is enabled only for that partition

eg user 4 for partition 1, user 5 for partition 2

A better way to check the zones is to use zecurity check  on the keypads for each partition.

ie Keypad 1 for partition 0, 2 for partition 1, keypad 3 for partition 2
Press F3,2 Security check. This will announce all the zones that are opeen on each partition only. You can then open and close each zone and listen for the zone announcement on the keypad

You can do a test by starting a new file without partitions then program only the zones that were  not detected but leave them at Partition 0, then test again. You should be able to detect all zones in Comfort and Slaves

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