View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Thursday Nov 21st, 2019 02:26 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
Location: Singapore
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Please check the status of the leds

On Velbus Submodule
• D103 (Red)  - UCM Data converted > Transmit Data to Velbus
• D104 (Green)  - Receive Data from Velbus
• D105 (Green)  - Data from UCM
• D106 (Red) -  Converted Data from Velbus to UCM
These LEDs are for diagnostic purposes. Data from Velbus will cause D104
(Green) to blink. D106 (Red) also blinks indicating that the data has been
converted to serial data to be sent to the UCM. Busy1 on the UVCM Baseboard
also blinks as data is sent to Comfort
When Comfort sends data to Velbus, BUSY2 will blink,  D105 (Green) blinks to
indicate data to the Velbus submodule, D103 (red) also blinks indicating
converted data sent to Velbus.
when you do a learn the leds should blink as above

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