View single post by CTx
 Posted: Friday May 8th, 2020 06:07 pm
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Joined: Thursday Apr 9th, 2020
Location: Portugal
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I am testing a new Wired to Wireless interface from AJAX called OcBridge connected to Comfort II.
This new wireless solution is bidireccional and has some level of control on the polling of the devices (sensors).One of the "advantages" is to be able to spare (extend) battery life of sensors by reducing activity under certain circumstances determined by the state of the interface OcBridge being "armed" or "disarmed".And this is achieved by command of the input "IN" of OcBridge:
The input “IN” is designated for connecting transistor output or thecentral unit (panel) relay (PICTURE 1). If the “IN” input condition changes(Closing/Opening), the whole set of sensors connected to the receiverare set to “passive” mode (except for the sensors ticked as 24 h active),with the initial state restore – the sensors are set to “active”, and the redlight is on. In case several groups of sensors are used independently onthe central unit, the ocBridge is to be set to the “active” mode even ifonly one group of central unit is in armed mode. Only when all groups oncentral unit are deactivated, is possible to set the ocBridge and sensors to“passive”. Use of “passive” mode of the sensors when system disarmedwill significantly improve battery life of the sensors.
How can I use a Comfort output to set "IN" armed or disarmed (in OcBridge-ian terms) ?

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