View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Wednesday Aug 10th, 2022 10:01 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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We have found a problem on some CM9001 systems with the J3 10 way connector for ETH03 or Wifi01 submodules. The symptom is Comfort fals to start up, and resets itself every 20 seconds.   The problem may be seen on some systems if there is NO plug in wifi01 or ETH03 submodule.   

The wporkaround is simply to plug in one of the EOL  resistors 2.2K or 4.7K between Pin 1 and Pin 7 as shown in the photo below. If the EOL resistors are not availabkle, any resistor fromn 1K to 10 Mohm can be used. he value is not important.

Please switch off the CM9001 system before doing this resistor insertion. If you need to use a wifi or ETH03 plug in in future, you can remove the resistor

It is recommended that the resistor be inserted even if there are no signs of the problem, to prevent it occuring in future

Attachment: CM9001 Resistor.jpg (Downloaded 23 times)

Last edited on Wednesday Aug 10th, 2022 12:24 pm by slychiu

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