View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Friday Sep 2nd, 2022 09:31 am
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CM9001, LGX01 Logic Engine, or UCM/Logic can have ETh03 or wifi submodules plugged in to the main PCB. the plug in ETH03 or wifi01 submodules can act like a separate UCM/ETH03 to allow programming for Comfigurator or access by the  Cytech app.  This is very useful and saves cost compared to having another UCM.

After Scanning for Modules, the Controller Properties will show the Internal UCM version below the Comfort Firmware, as shown below. This shows that the Comfort model supports the plug in submodule, but does not mean that there is actually a submodule plugged in

The old CM9000 will not have the UCM Properties section

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