View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Friday Sep 2nd, 2022 09:43 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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It is also possible to have a UCM (ETH03, US or wifi) installed even if there is an ETH03 or Wifi submodule plugged in to the controller.
For example you need to use a UCM in order to do a Firmare upgrade by  UCM programming cable, or an installer may bring a UCM/USB to the site to do programming for convenience. The separate UCM should always be at UCM ID 1, as this special ID can be removed without causing a RS485 Trouble alarm. Other UCM ids will  cause RS485 Trouble if they are removed.  
The UCMs can be seen after a Module scan

You can log in to the UCM or the submodule on the controller by setting the IP address and Port in Options > Settings > UCM Connections
You can check which connection you are using in Transfer > System Information.

The 1st image with UCM Type 64 means Log in by the plug in submodule on the Controller UCM Type 64 means the built in UCM on the controller

The image below with UCM Type 10 means  log in by the separate UCM. UCM Type 10 means the UCM USB, ETH03 or wifi

Last edited on Friday Sep 2nd, 2022 09:45 am by slychiu

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