View single post by timop001
 Posted: Friday Oct 13th, 2023 03:15 pm
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Joined: Friday Aug 8th, 2008
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Interested to know what SMTP servers people use for Comfort transactional emails.
I have several pieces of kit that issue transactional emails (Acronis backup, UPS, network monitor) and for these I use the google server which does not require authentication (no user name or password) if the sender and recipient have gmail addresses and the mail volume is low. This works flawless for these devices but not for Comfort mail server. Since there is no feedback from the server on errors I have no idea where this is failing. The whole email process is getting more complicated as security increases.
I have fallen back to SMTP2Go as recommended and though they have tightened usage on their free account and you need to verify the sending address - it works.
Any other methods out there ?

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