View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Sunday Nov 2nd, 2008 05:12 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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Cytech is  pleased to announce that the new UCM/GSM2 module is now available. The new module has all the capabilities of the old UCM/GSM but at a much lower cost.
We intend to make the GSM interface a mainstream option which will be used in most systems. The features of the GSM module include;

  • Acts as a backup for dial-out on alarm activation when the land line is faulty or cut. Alternately, it can be used without a fixed telephone line, for installations where a telephone line is not available or not desired. Comfort's dialler can dial to 8 telephones which can include mobile or landline phones, pagers or Central Monitoring Stations.
  • Allows the user to dial to the GSM number instead of the fixed telephone line to access Comfort Voice menus. There is no voicemail on this line.
  • Allows Comfort to report alarms to the users cellular phones via text message or SMS (Short Message Service). The SMS message will show the alarm type and Zone description as text.
  • Allows users to send commands to control home appliances and the security system via SMS, and receive acknowledgement of the command by return SMS.
Note that UCM/GSM2 is compatible with Comfort II only, and not Comfort I

Important Note:
The GSM network is subject to delays in the voice transmissions which may cause problems in dialing to Central Monitoring Stations which expect very tight limits on the delays between signalling tones. The UCM/GSM should not be relied on for the purpose of dialing to a CMS Receiver

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Last edited on Sunday Mar 20th, 2011 09:28 am by

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