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 Posted: Monday May 11th, 2009 05:17 am
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Joined: Saturday Mar 3rd, 2007
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The Pronto models 9300, 9400, 9600, 9800 are able to communicate two way with Comfort to send commands and get status using Prontoscript 
A sample pronto 9400 .xcf file has been created which has these features
  1. Connect to UCM/Ethernet using Wifi and IP address
  2. Arm and disarm Comfort to Away, Night, Day, Vacation using Comfort user code. Show open zones during arming.
  3. Read Event Log from Comfort
  4. Show icons for Low battery, AC Fail, Phone Trouble,  Comms Failure,  and Tamper on Comfort
  5. Show zone status (open/closed) real time
  6. Control X10 and get status for any house code and Unit code
  7. Do Responses
  8. Control Outputs and get status
  9. Change counters in Comfort and get status of counters
  10. Control C-Bus via UCM/CBus. Control any C-Bus group address via on/off or dimming and show status

Equipment Required
  1. Pronto 9300, 9400, 9600, 9800 with wifi
  2. UCM/Ethernet 5.178  and above
  3. Comfort II Ultra 5.145 and above
The sample file can be downloaded from

Users are free to test and modify it in any way at their own responsibility. Feedback is welcome
We may be building on this program to expand its capabilities
Screenshots are shown below
This screen shows the current security mode and buttons to arm and disarm Comfort
Low Battery, AC Fail, Communications failure, Phone Trouble icons will be shown as the events occur

Attachment: Pronto9400.jpg (Downloaded 46 times)

Last edited on Thursday May 28th, 2009 02:10 pm by

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