View single post by marciopereira6
 Posted: Monday May 18th, 2009 08:56 am
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Joined: Tuesday May 27th, 2008
Location: Porto, Portugal
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Hi there folks,

A strange thing is happening to one of my comfort setups.
I have a few lights (4) and blinds (4) being controlled by Comfort inputs/outputs.
Inputs are connected to pressure switches, that call responses, that lead the correspondant outputs to drive relays.
What is strange is that randomly i press buttons to open/close the blinds, and one of the lights (random) turns on.
I have rebuilt the .ccl file and even made a new one from scratch in Comfigurator 3.
I have come to the conclusion that the output that performs tha undue response is not really turned on, because if i remove the relay from it's DIN Rail base and plug it in again, it stays OFF.
I mean, it must be some king of inducted peak that drives the relay's coil...

Anyone had the same problem? Please give me some help with this!

Marcio Pereira

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