View single post by slychiu
 Posted: Friday Oct 30th, 2009 04:39 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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The correct behaviour is the zone gets dragged to the new zone and replaces what is there
The original zone name is left unchanged but the zone type is 0 so it is inactive

If you wish to exchange two zones then you should drag the 2nd  zone to an unused zone number, then drag the 1st zone to the empty one and then the 2nd one to the 1st. It is easier to do than to describe

What you suggest is the insert the zone at the new location and shift all zones to a higher number, but that gives a problem when you dont want to do that. Also it may push the zones to a nonexistent slave or LEM or beyond the maximum of 64
Often what you want to do is to move a zone to an unsued one

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