View single post by emabonacchi
 Posted: Wednesday Aug 11th, 2010 08:24 am
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Joined: Friday Jul 31st, 2009
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Yes, i did some photos, if you want, i will send them to you.

Today early in the morning, i went to take an old laptop from a friend of mine in order to try conecting it to cp9000.
This old Pc, has a serial port. My Pc has an usb to serial port adapter.
Well, i have downloaded on the old laptop Comfigurator 2.2.3. I have set SW8 jumper CLOSE and i have set option>Handshake>None.
Filesystem 34, and download began!!

But i think there are many bugs in 2.2.3..... The first i have seen, is the 'user login'... it seems to be 1234 even if i have configured another password in comfigurator.

At the moment, i am trying to test the system......

ident wrote:
Can you send a photograph of Comfort and UCM with connections to

How many UCMs and Keypads do you have connected?

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