View single post by Glouba
 Posted: Tuesday Apr 19th, 2011 07:22 am
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Joined: Tuesday Apr 19th, 2011
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Hello cytech community.

First of all, sorry if this question is too basic. I'm quite new to comfort and KNX so please forgive me.
I'm trying to interact with comfort through KNX. The "KNX to Comfort" part seems to work fine (I can arm the system, etc.) but I have a question about the "Comfort to KNX" part.

The events are successfully sent to the KNX bus (in case of alarm, etc.), but I don't understand how I can get these statuses on demand.
When trying (with ETS) to "read" from the group address assigned to a "Comfort to KNX" value, for example the "Line Cut State", I'm not able to get the value back.

I would like to know if this mechanism is only trigger based, or if it is possible to read the value anytime I want (which seems to be useful, but I may not be catching the whole KNX philosophy) ?
Or at least be able to re-trigger the events such as when comfort starts up (and send all zone values to KNX).

I'm using a Gira HomeServer so maybe it is its task to store the statuses from Comfort, and update the internally stored values when comfort triggers an update ?
But what about the case where the HomeServer is down (power outage for example) and gets powered back on. It should be able to read back the values from Comfort to get in sync with the statuses.
How can I do that ? Is there something easy I am missing ?

Thanks for your help, and again sorry if my question is too dumb :)

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