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 Posted: Thursday Jul 21st, 2011 01:41 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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If all the user codes are lost or forgotten, you can reset the code by one of the following ways.

First note that if a wrong code has been entered 6 times, there is a "sign in tamper" alarm. This locks out further entry of codes, until the correct code is entered 2 times in succession. eg if the code is 1234
  1. enter 1234# on the keypad. There will be a long beep indicating wrong code
  2. enter 1234# again. This time the code will be accepted and the sign in tamper is reset,
Resetting Lost user codes
By Keypad
If the alarm is still sounding, you must wait about 5 minutes before entering the Engineer Code. Engineer Code is not allowed if the alarm has been triggered and siren is on. The siren will stop after 5 minutes. Do not retrigger by movibg around which could cause a new alarm if there is a motion sensors in the area

You will need to know the Engineer Code, default is 6789
Press F0 on the keypad followed by the engineer code and # key, eg F0 6789#
If the 1st attempt fails, try entering 6789# again
The keypad should say "Engineer MenU, press .."
Press 9 for Program Menu
Press 5 for User Codes
Press 0 to erase Mailboxes
Press 1 to confirm
Press F to exit
The user code has been reset to the default 1234

By Comfigurator
You will need to know the Engineer Code, default is 6789
Press F0 on the keypad to enable Engineer Code
Open the Comfigurator file for the system. If you do not have the file for the installation, open a default template correponding to the Comfort system ie Comfort 2 Ultra ,  Comfort 1 Pro etc
Log in with Engineer Code
If the 1st attempt fails, try entering 6789# again
In Modules and Settings> Configuration Flags , check "Write User Codes"
Go to Security > Sign in Codes, and enter the new User code for user 1 (or other users).
Go to Transfer > Write Selective.
Select Sign in Codes from the list which appears
This will write the new codes into Comfort
Uncheck the "Write User Codes" box in Modules and settings so a new write will not overwrite any user codes that have been changed

The UCM contains a default  EEPROM in U2 for Comfort 2 Ultra. This will default the whole configuration, not just the user codes.Press and hold ULOAD to copy the configuration from Comfort to UCM EEPROM.

Press and hold DLOAD button the write the configuration to Comfort. This will take a few minutes with the Busy  leds blinking. When completed, the RDY green led on the UCM will be steady.

Comfigurator 3.13.1 has a menu to write Comfort to UCM EEPROM and vice versa. see

This needs the UCM Firmware 7.131 and above
If the system is in alarm and the user codes have been forgotten
We see such cases believe it or not
You have to wait for the alarm to stop usually after 5 minutes before the engineer code can be accepted and you can use the first two methods described above

Last edited on Thursday Apr 23rd, 2020 09:49 am by

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