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Outputs strange behaviour
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 Posted: Monday May 18th, 2009 08:56 am
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Hi there folks,

A strange thing is happening to one of my comfort setups.
I have a few lights (4) and blinds (4) being controlled by Comfort inputs/outputs.
Inputs are connected to pressure switches, that call responses, that lead the correspondant outputs to drive relays.
What is strange is that randomly i press buttons to open/close the blinds, and one of the lights (random) turns on.
I have rebuilt the .ccl file and even made a new one from scratch in Comfigurator 3.
I have come to the conclusion that the output that performs tha undue response is not really turned on, because if i remove the relay from it's DIN Rail base and plug it in again, it stays OFF.
I mean, it must be some king of inducted peak that drives the relay's coil...

Anyone had the same problem? Please give me some help with this!

Marcio Pereira

 Posted: Monday May 18th, 2009 01:16 pm
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What is the Comfort firmware? Do yiu have the serial number of the Comfort PCB?
This may be an issue with the Op1 Output modules which can be resolved by firmware upgrade and/or OP1 replacement. Please send an email or private message

 Posted: Friday Dec 30th, 2011 07:13 pm
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I have a similar problem, a light comes on randomly in the evening (lights have been set to come on using pir only in sunset/sunrise) as far as I can see their should be no emf fields causing relay to trip but i have a sneaky feeling it may have something to do with electrical supply. electricity companies use generators that trip in and out on demand which can causes surges ect.
Where you able to sort out your problem?

 Posted: Saturday Dec 31st, 2011 03:44 am
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Are your lights controlled usng a relay connected to an output?

If the relay or relays turns off it could be due to a surge voltage

If it turns on and stays on then it should be due to the output being on and that should be due to a Response

Look at the Response which turns on the output. It should be in blue meaning it  the response is referenced. Right clock and "show references" to see what events trigger the Response. This may tell you what other events cause this eg Time program, sunrise/sunset, another Response, zone, alarm etc

It is best if you only use 1 response to trigger an output so you can trace all references to the one response

 Posted: Tuesday Jan 31st, 2012 07:44 pm
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The response is based on sunset/sunrise times as you walk past one of the alarm sensors,
As I mentioned in my other reply, I think it is down to surges which activate the sensor/relay (although this has no effect on the alarm function, just as well alarm would be going of regularly)
Since this only occurs with the PIR and not any other contacts/sensors and very infrequently, I have to assume it is because of surges that take place as the national grid kicks in/out
Other than that it pir/light work well with no other issues.

 Posted: Wednesday Feb 1st, 2012 04:22 am
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I doubt that the fault is with the PIR because if it is detected by Comfort, it would also activate the alarm of the sensor is active and system is arned

The problem could be the relay controlling the lights - that may be triggered by surge

 Posted: Wednesday Feb 1st, 2012 11:32 am
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This is a dual light relay and the other light that it controls is not affected at all.
I will have a look at the layout of the cables and see if they can be moved away from the relay when I have some time and post the results,this may take some time as i will have to wait to see if their has been a change.

 Posted: Monday Mar 26th, 2012 12:39 pm
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I have now resolved the issue of the light coming on randomly, the fault was caused by the output command for the light control, I had put conflicting controls into the same command line. I rewrote the cclx file (was updating to do more commands and started almost afresh, imported some commands etc).
This has resolved the light coming on randomly in between Sunset/sunrise
The command had to many timers attached to it & had to create a new command for each timer used (it just meant a bit more work)

 Posted: Monday Mar 26th, 2012 02:19 pm
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Thanks for the update
I am glad that has been resolved

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