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Maximum keypads issue
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 Posted: Tuesday Sep 4th, 2012 06:16 pm
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Joined: Monday Jul 31st, 2006
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I have the following problem:

1)Installation has 6 keypads with a mix of LCD & normal keypads.
Client complained that 2 keypads are dead. We haven't done this installation originally so I don't know when it stopped working or if it ever worked.
After replacing both, keypad# 6 still did not work.

2)Unable to upload program from panel. The upload starts but hangs somewhere in the process at random percentage of upload. This is an old panel (single pcb). Unfortunately we forgot to take down the firmware version number.

3)I checked the keypad setting in location 1675 & it was set to 5. After changing it to 6, the keypad still refused to work. Changing it to 7 or 8 does not work either.
After swapping keypads around and tested them at various addresses, we came to the conclusion that the Comfort panel does not pick up any keypad above address 5.
There is a main panel, LEM & SEM installed in this installation. Both the main & slave has its own PSU and battery. 0V's are common.It seems as if power is not a problem.

Any suggestions apart from replacing the panel with a new version pcb?


 Posted: Thursday Sep 6th, 2012 03:23 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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Comfort I was discontinued in 2005 so that is a very old installation, but I cannot find any record of a bug with the number of keypads. It may be a very old version even for Comfort 1
If they have lived with 5 keypads for so many years, perhaps they can continue as it is
Otherwise the only solution is to upgrade to Comfort 2, for which there is a special upgrade price provided the old Comfort 1 PCB is returned

For uploading the program try Comfigurator 2 from
Some old systems may have a problem with Comfigurator 3

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