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KP04/KP05 Firmware 1.018
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 Posted: Wednesday Nov 7th, 2012 02:48 am
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Joined: Wednesday Aug 9th, 2006
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  1. Fixed bug in displaying zones greater than 64 in LCD eg Zone 1 and 65 have the same the same zone name, etc
  2.  Implemented LCD display in cases when keypad ID is not polled after 10 seconds. First LCD page shown is "ID#x" and second page is "Keypad", "NOT polled". Only the display is changed. When keypad ID is polled from Comfort again, the LCD display will go back to normal automatically.
  3. Changed LCD text when communication failure for 20 seconds. Previously text was “Communication Failure” with own ID. Now, the first LCD shows "ID#x" followed by  "No Bus", "Communications".
  4. Implemented automatic text update upon boot-up. Whenever text mismatched is detected upon boot-up, it will commence text update (same as KP06).
  5. Changed LCD download text from "Downloading..." to "Updating text..." (same as KP06).
  6. Smaller time frame window to reply to Comfort poll to prevent clashing on RS485

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