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LRM02 Latched Relay Module
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 Posted: Saturday Dec 28th, 2013 05:06 am
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Joined: Saturday Mar 3rd, 2007
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The LRM02 consists of 2 Latched Relays meant for switching mains voltage for controlling lights.

Each of the relays can be used in conjunction with a two way switch and current sensor (ordered separately) to control the switching of the light and monitoring of the on/off status by Comfort. 

A Latched Relay does not need any power to maintain its state once it is switched to the Open or Closed position. The LRM02 is a replacement for the TWS02 which saves energy and makes the relay less susceptible to drop out due to voltage surges or over-current. 4 LRM02 (8 relays) can be connected to the 8 outputs of Comfort or LEM without exceeding the  300 milli-amp current limit for the 8 outputs

The Connection diagram is shown below

Unlike TWS02, the current sensor is not built into the LRM. This simplifies the corrections since CSM03-CT which encircles the "Live" wire can have the CSM low voltage wires connected directly to CSM03-PCB pluged into a Zone/Input

One advantage of the circuit is that the two way switch can always control the light independently of Comfort, even if Comfort is not working or switched off. This is an excellent low cost and reliable solution if it is possible to run the two 230V switch wires from the two way switch to the LRM module near Comfort.

The LRM manual can be downloaded from

The programming instructions for two way switching using the LRM02 can be found in the manual

PCB size: 88 x 53 mm (same as UCM, LEM)
Mounting Holes: 78 x 43 mm (M3 holes 5 mm from each corner)
Weight: 88 grams
Power Rating : 240 VAC 50 Hz 16 Amps Resistive Load

Relay Specifications
Arrangement: 1 Form C
Max Switching Current: 16A
Max Switching Voltage: 277 VAC
Max Switching Power: 5000 VA, 480 W
Insulation Resistance: 1000 MegaOhm min at 500 VDC
Breakdown Voltage
Between Open Contacts 1000 VRMS for 1 minute
Between contact and coil: 4400 VRMS for 1 minute

Expected Life:
Electrical:    100,000 cycles  under rated load (resistive)
Mechanical: 3,000,000 cycles min
Coil:            Connected to  Comfort  Output 12V DC 35 ma (pulse)

Last edited on Thursday Nov 14th, 2019 01:00 pm by

 Posted: Tuesday Mar 10th, 2015 07:20 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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A problem has been found when the LRM is used to control some fluorescent lights with Electronic Ballasts. The light may flicker when switched off
This is due to the use of snubbers to protect the relays when switching inductive loads

Please email if you have this problem

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