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Wizcomfort is being replaced by the new User Mode in Comfigurator 3.8 which will continue to be enhanced.
Wizcomfort does not work with cclx files generated by Comfiguratror 3.8.x

The original intention of wizcomfort was to run on a wall mount windows screen but that idea is no longer viable. The look is outdated now.

It is difficult to keep maintaining Wizcomfort as a separate application, and almost all the functionality has been brought into User Mode

If there is anything missing in User Mode which you found useful in WizComfort, let us know

Also we now have separate apps for iPad, iPhone, Android Tablet and Android Phone. The  android phone and tablet apps are being revamped see and

We also recommend the excellent ComfortClient, see which is very good value for money and  very powerful. It should be able do all of Wizcomfort functions and more

Last edited on Wednesday May 21st, 2014 05:45 pm by ident


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I have a few things to propose for Comfigurator User mode as well as Engineer mode.

1. In Comfigurator version 3.8.7 in both user and engineer mode, the real time updating of the zones/inputs stops most likely because of a bug. I recommend putting something flashing on the screen to show when comfigurator has communication with Comfort. This is particularly useful for remote connections through the internet.

2. I would find it useful if there was a user enabled short tone when any zone/input is triggered or even better for user selected zones.

3. Why should comfigurator show all possible numbers of zones/inputs, outputs and SCS/RIO. I suggest making possible to hide inputs and outputs as well as SCS/RIO inputs and outputs of unconnected hardware and display the connected hardware inputs with their corresponding input/output number. This will avoid mistakes to new users and would make the following possible.

3. Another useful thing would be to exploit the larger screen and have on the same screen Zones/ inputs, outputs and SCS/RIO input/output status so as not having to switch screens.

4. Control over fond size will increase user comfort as each user would be able to customise the view to his needs.


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Another useful tool would be to have a counter next to each zone/input to show the time elapsed since the last time each zone has been triggered.


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Another request would be to have another column whereby users can enter the name they want dispayed. This is useful for non English vocabularies where the zone displayed in English are grammatically incorrect and totally meanigless sometimes. I propose something similar to GSM4. I also propose non English support again something similar to GSM4.


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1. In Comfigurator version 3.8.7 in both user and engineer mode, the real time updating of the zones/inputs stops most likely because of a bug. I recommend putting something flashing on the screen to show when comfigurator has communication with Comfort. This is particularly useful for remote connections through the internet.

This is probably because the UCM/ETH has timed out and not because of a bug . There is an idle time out for UCM/ETH02 and UCM/ETH03 which can be set in the DS manager or CS manager. Set to 0 to disable timeout. You can see if it has timed out by looking at the Log in  button.

3. Why should comfigurator show all possible numbers of zones/inputs, outputs and SCS/RIO. I suggest making possible to hide inputs and outputs as well as SCS/RIO inputs and outputs of unconnected hardware and display the connected hardware inputs with their corresponding input/output number. This will avoid mistakes to new users and would make the following possible.

Configurator Engiineer Mode has to show all unused zones  otherwise it would not be possible to prgram unused zones. In User Mode, only programmed zones are shown

Another request would be to have another column whereby users can enter the name they want dispayed. This is useful for non English vocabularies where the zone displayed in English are grammatically incorrect and totally meanigless sometimes. I propose something similar to GSM4. I also propose non English support again something similar to GSM4.
The user can enter the text they want on the Name field  on each zone. This name will be displayed in the Comfort apps
However keypad display has to use the words which are announced due to the inherent design

3. Another useful thing would be to exploit the larger screen and have on the same screen Zones/ inputs, outputs and SCS/RIO input/output status so as not having to switch screens.
I doubt the screen is big enough to show all 96 inputs and 96 outputs, 120 RIO inputs and 120 RIO outputs

. I would find it useful if there was a user enabled short tone when any zone/input is triggered or even better for user selected zones.That may be irritating especially for motion sensors

You can program individual zones to announce their name, which should be more useful'

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions


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Should you put some of these caveats on the Wizcomfort download page or remove the link completely if it doesn't work with later configurations or is being replaced?


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It has now been done


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I used to use WiZComfort lots, especially when  adding fuctionality to my system, which is a lot of Cbus Switches dimmers and  relays  interlinked to comfort.

Julians ComfortClient now has a beta release which allows monitoring of all functions of comfort in real time.

Using floating windows you can check the state of Comfort with ease.This is an add on to his excellent Floorplan functionality.

I have been using Comfort a long time before Comfigurator arrived on the scene and Julian's "object Matrix" is a real game changer.
I can highly recommend this Software!

Attachment: object MAtrix.JPG (Downloaded 32 times)


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I think i will be very useful, especially to installers

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