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 Posted: Monday Nov 24th, 2014 04:00 pm
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Comfort II Ultra has 64 User Timers which can be used to created timed delays of 1 second to 65278 seconds.

There are 2 ways to use Timers to introduce delays in Comfort;
  1. Timed delay between Actions (Action 190)
  2. Timed delay between Responses (Action 194)

Timed Delay between Actions
A timed delay can be inserted between 2 actions in a Response.

In the example below, a delay is to be inserted between Do Corridor Lights on and Do Corridor Lights Off.

Select the Do" Category and select the "Wait for Timer " action
Next select the delay in seconds (60 in the example) and the Timer Name or number

This inserts a delay of 60 seconds between the actions "Do CorridorLightsOn" and "Do CorridorLightsOff"

Further on in the same Response, there is an action "Wait 300 seconds using Timer01"

Any timer 1 to 64 can be chosen for the delay, but make sure that there is no possbility that the same timer is used for another delay that can overlap with the current delay, otherwise the delay will be overridden by the new instance of the timer.

In the above example, Timer01 is used again, but this is acceptable because when the 2nd instance of the timer is started, the 1st timer delay has already completed, thus freeing up Timer01.

Note that the delay will not hold up other events or actions. For example when the 300 seconds delay is running, another zone or event which triggers an event will be  handled immediately.
This action was introduced in Comfort Firmware 7.071 and requires Comfigurator 3.9.5

Timed Delay Between Responses
The other way to program a timer is between Responses. This inserts a delay between 2 Responses.

In Response Wizard, select "Do" Category and select "Do Response After Timer Expires"

Then select the target Response, the Time delay in seconds and Timer number.

The action "Do CorridorLightsOff after 60 seconds using Timer01" will start a delay for 60 seconds and at the end, do the response  "CorridorLightsOff"
Note that this action does not put a delay in the action itself. The next action (Do LandingLightsOn) runs immediately after the timer action WHILE the timer delay of 60 seconds is running.

The Response example above inserts a 60 second delay between "Do CorridorLightsOn" and"Do CorridorLightsOff", and also a 300 second delay between "Do LandingLightsOn" and "Do LandingLightsOff"

The sequence of lights in this example is
Corridor Lights On / Landing Lights On (there is no delay between Corridor and Landing lights On)
... after 60 seconds...
Corridor Lights Off
.....after 240 seconds...
Landing Lights Off

Using a Variable as Delay
In the action "Do Response x seconds using Timer" , if the number of seconds is =0, then the last action value is used as the delay. See the example below.

Get Counter Counter003
Do Response after 0 seconds using Timer01
This means that the delay is taken from Counter 3 instead of a fixed value in the action

 Posted: Wednesday Dec 24th, 2014 08:54 am
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Checking if a Timer is Running

You can check if a timer is running in the Response Wizard

If Timer Timer05 <> 0 Then
    Do Response..
End If

TimerX <> 0  means the timer is running
TimerX = 0 means the timer is stopped
Attached Image (viewed 232 times):

 Posted: Saturday Nov 7th, 2015 04:52 pm
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In Comfigurator 3.10.8 (beta), the status of Timers can be checked as shown in the screenshot below;

Go to Names > Timers. Select a Timer and on the right pane click on "Show Status"
This will give the status ON or OFF. ON means the Timer is running, and the remaining time in seconds will be displayed.

This is a very useful tool for programming and testing  Timers

Last edited on Saturday Nov 7th, 2015 04:55 pm by slychiu

 Posted: Wednesday Apr 15th, 2020 06:37 am
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Timer Status in Register Monitor
Timer status can be seen in real time in the Register MonitorComfigurator 3.13.1 and Comfort Firware 7.174 is required

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