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Keypad volume anomaly
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 Posted: Thursday Jan 12th, 2017 09:08 am
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Joined: Wednesday Mar 18th, 2015
Location: Perth, Australia
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Having suffered the failure of two keypad 'speaker' modules, I am very aware of the very sensible advice given that I keep the volume at a lower level to possibly avoid yet another failure in the future. After fitting the third module, I lowered the sound level to 40 and have been very happy with the quieter voice. However, I notice that for certain functions, the voice level clearly reverts to its default value of 50. For example, I had a message waiting today and after listening to it (at the lower volume level), I pressed # to exit the system. I then got a - booming! - 'security off'. It is much more noticeable now that most of the sound is at the lower lever - when it changes, it almost sounds like the lady is shouting!! :)

My main concern is that IF it was a 'default too high volume' that caused the early failure of the two previous speakers, isn't this adding to the 'stress'? Is there any way that I can set ALL communications to the level I set, whatever that might be? And- if not, why not?

 Posted: Thursday Jan 12th, 2017 07:17 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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There is a separate setting for keypad announcement volume, diferent from the individual keypad volumes for voice menu

This is in Voice Settings > keypad announcement level

You may want to have a low volume for the voice menu, but a higher vcolume for announcemennts eg for alarms, so you can set an announvcement volume

 Posted: Saturday Jan 14th, 2017 07:20 am
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Joined: Wednesday Mar 18th, 2015
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Thanks so much. I should have checked more carefully! I hadn't realised that there were separate settings. All is now good.

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