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Joined: Friday Jan 5th, 2018
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Is it possible to control the volume of each keypad individually? i.e. are they individually addressable
e.g. I have a keypad downstairs that is near the kids bedrooms.
When I arm the system at night from upstairs, I want to disable any announcements that might occur on the keypad downstairs as it may wake the kids. e.g. "Beep Beep Beep Night Mode"
However, during the day I would like the announcements in the keypad to occur as normal.
So maybe between 9pm and 8am set the volume to be 0 on downstairs keypad. Otherwise set the volume to be 60.
Any advice appreciatd.


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There are 2 types of volume for the keypad
The voice menu volume can be changed for each kleypad by pressing 7 for Volume in the voice menu, enter a volume between 0 to 100 (but avoid numbers above 50 as it causes distortion and may overstress the speaker)

The Announcement volume is different. This means the volume of the announcements eg Security Off, Away, Night Mode, Alarms, zones which are announced on the keypad when events or alarms occur

The global voice annnouncement settings are in Configuration > Voice Settings > Keypad Announcement level

Yo9u can  enable or disable voice announcement in the KP04A menu (Press F0  and then press and hold * key). Press * or # to scroll the options until you get to Keypad Broadcast Enable/Disable). You can disable announcements "permanently" using this method eg keypad in the babys rooom

You can enable or disable announcements on any keypad using the action
"keypad (ID"  Broadcast Disable or Enable as in the attached screenshot
You can use a Time program or other event to enable or disable announcements on any keypad or all keypads (use ID=0 for all keypads)
However this is enable or disable, not adjust the volume of the keypad

Attachment: KPanounce.JPG (Downloaded 23 times)

Last edited on Thursday Apr 26th, 2018 03:17 am by slychiu


Joined: Friday Jan 5th, 2018
Posts: 6

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Thank you....looks like that will do exactly what I need. Appreciate the help

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